Pinpoint works
As the company grows, Pinpoint Works’ founders pledge to give equal gender opportunity for new hires (permanent, part-time, and contractual), with visual and verbal representation on behalf of the company, where appropriate. Additionally, we pledge to keep a professional and respectful work environment and hold a zero-tolerance policy for sexism, racism, bullying, sexual harassment and the like. We look forward to working alongside She of the Sea and a growing community of maritime leaders who are affecting change at every level of the industry.
Who are they?
Developed by yachting professionals for the yachting industry, Pinpoint Works is an interactive work list and project management platform using the latest technology in web and mobile apps. We bring a much-needed update to the way we communicate with one another in order for teams and colleagues to work more efficiently and effectively. Providing the right tools for success empowers marine professionals around the world to thrive in their individual position while raising standards across the industry as a whole. Pinpoint Works is proud to be part of this process.
Pinpoint Works, founded by James Stockdale and Leslie Gillotte, worked together as yacht crew and saw first-hand a great need for improvement in both professionalism and respect at every level of the industry. Whether working on builds, operational yachts, or in any of the multitude of businesses within the super yacht and maritime industries, diversity, teamwork, and consideration for others creates a strong environment in which everyone can thrive and succeed. Although the yachting and broader maritime industries have a long road ahead of them in terms of equality and respect, we are committed to being a positive part of that change.
Assigned Senior Sponsor

Leslie Gillotte
Though a small company, Pinpoint Works is in a unique position to effect change in three areas - the maritime sector, software development and entrepreneurship. All are historically male dominated, but with Leslie serving as Co-Founder and operator, every colleague, contractor, client, potential client, etc. Sees a woman who has been vital to the growth and success of a software business in the yachting sector.