Media coverage & Articles
Talk without action is just talking
Its no surprise at all that the organisation known for having its finger well and truly on the pulse of not only our industry, but the wider global climate, recognises that diversity and inclusion will be critical to the sustainability of our industry over the coming years.
Clare Sidwell

Nautilus- Gender Equality
Nautilus members Jenny Matthews and Kate Allen speak at the womens Trade and Congress .Jenny Matthews (pictured) spoke on behalf of Nautilus to deliver our motion on Adoption of Best Practice Mentoring Schemes, and she was also compelled to speak to condemn sexual harassment at work.

Superyacht News Guest Colum
Super Yacht News asked She of the Sea to weigh in on the topic of gender equality in the Super Yacht industry. We discuss the positive changes happening, and what we can all do to continue this growth to benefit us all as a whole. Its not who does it better, its how do we be better together!
Jenny Matthews

NMIT Class engagement

Jenny heads into the Nelson Malborough Institute of Technology to speak to the current class of superyacht crew in the 3 month course held in sunny Nelson. Sharing insights into what will be awaiting them when they join a vessel, how to progress their careers, and letting the women in the room know that they can be out on deck if they want to be.
Nelson Malborough Institute of technology

Great minds think alike -Pantaenius meets with She Of The Sea
Today we had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Jenny Matthews, Founder of She of the Sea, and Anna Schroeder, Marketing Director of Pantaenius Yacht Insurance, to discuss the similarities between the visions of both companies, how they found themselves in their current roles and what the future is for eradicating bias across all sectors, including the yachting industry.

She of the Sea women join 1851 Trusts STEM program
“She of the Sea” founder Jenny Matthews and Co Founder, Natasha Ambrose are thrilled to be joining the 1851 Trust, a Portsmouth based education charity, on their Ineos sponsored America’s Cup STEM Roadshow, visiting secondary schools around the UK from this month.
Yotspot- Vicky Ward

Nelson College for Girls

Jenny returns to her old highschool and other schools in the area to speak directly to young women, letting them know they can be the Captain, or the engineer if they want to! letting the next generation of women know the exciting careers to be had in yachting
Nelson College for Girls

Guardian Feature
Matthews and Ambrose, who are both first officers on superyachts, a role that includes helming the vessels, said they decided to launch a scheme dedicated to encouraging women into the top ranks after discovering that more than 95% of yacht captains and first officers were men.
Rupert Neate

1851 Trust- Americas Cup

Future plans with the 1851 trust. A STEM program in partnership with the Ineos | Team UK Americas Cup aimed at inspiring young women to pursue exciting careers through sailing technology.
1851 Trust

Women Trade and Union Congress 2019

Jenny sits with Nautilus at the Womens Trade and Union congress in London. We spoke on the topic of sexual harassment in yachting as a call to action from our unions. Watch the speech below
Nautilus, SOTS, TUC