Previously responsible for Master and Chief Mate unlimited training in a large college in the UK. I quickly became aware that only 0.8% of deck officers were female. This level was clearly unsustainable, to ignore half the population in any environment will cause stress on any system.
The super yacht industry offers a huge opportunity to improve the situation in this sector. I have tried to encourage all women going to sea to consider it as a career with progression to Master or Chief Engineer and not just a short term job.
Who is he?
I am a maritime trainer and formally Curriculum Leader in a large maritime college. I work in the Superyacht Industry providing oral preparation training and teach with bluewateryachting. My MBA major was studying female recruitment in the merchant navy. I have been committed to female recruitment for many years and am a member of WISTA women's international shipping and transport association.

Tony Browne
Owner/ Tutor
Assigned Senior Sponsor

Female officers are ALWAYS highly motivated and tend to be high achievers. I have found them to be a joy to teach. I am aware of some barriers to promotion but also that these are being torn down as the professionalism and the reliability of female officers becomes appreciated.
Best Wishes to She of the Sea.